Jonghong Park is an artist and designer based in Bremen. His work focuses on discovering, researching, and revealing inherent relational algorithms from nature, mundane artifacts, technical objects, and human behaviors, and exploring new media and digital technologies. He has worked as a designer in several studios in Seoul and is currently studying digital media at the University of the Arts Bremen in Germany.
[Arshake] VIDEO POST > Vague Boundaries
[CreativeApplicationsNet] Vague Boundaries – Particles, lines, and waves. by Filip Visnjic
[CreativeApplicationsNet] Catastrophic Combinations – Recursion, Contingency and Failure. by Filip Visnjic
[New Media Caucus] Judson-Morrissey Excellence in New Media Award 2021
[Mapping Festival 2051] Geneva, CH. 2021
[European Media Arts Festival No. 32] Osnabrück, DE. 2019
[CLOT Magazine] JONGHONG PARK, creation by observation. by Lidia Ratoi
[CreativeApplicationsNet] Bit - the demise of chance and the rise of algorithm. by Filip Visnjic
[Neural Magazine #62] Bit, (un)predictable systems
[Domus] Two kinetic installations reveal the soul of the machines. by Salvatore Peluso
[Hackaday] ‘Bit’ installation combines art, Markov chains by Lewin Day
[Hackaday] The battle between robot harmonica and machine finger rages on. by Lewin Day
[ArduinoBlog] Bit clicks away to illustrate complex interrelationships
[DesignTellers] The search for the soul in two MEKA installations in Jonghong Park